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We are in an age of fast food, money, and cars. For fuck's sake, there is even something called fast FUCKING FASHION which is a leading contributor to the current environmental shit storm we are in. Seriously, the amount of shit we accumulate is a FUCKING travesty. 


The world is clearly addicted to shit. While this addiction is depleting the world of its precious resources and destroying ecosystems, we see opportunity in this reality. It is unrealistic to force the entire world to STOP consuming, so let’s create a world where consumerism, sustainability, responsibility, and education come together in support of market-based initiatives that lead to conversation, conservation, and, in turn, reform following the United Nations SDGs:


The problem with today’s globalized economy is not that there is not enough SHIT for everyone, it is that each individual human consumes their way around this fucking planet in an unsustainable way. So, we hope you really don’t need a God damn straw, but if you must, get one of ours and start a conversation with someone about what FUCK PLASTIC is all about!

SDG 12 Sticker.png

Irresponsible consumption is a fucking problem. In addressing these goals in our practice we align with the UN in stressing: 

Sustainable FUCKING sourcing
Resource efficiency of products and fucking services
Procurement practices
Product and service information and labeling
Materials recycling
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